It was another summer and another weekend back in the Electric Forest. I was excited for this particular trip over a month ago when I received a phone call late at night. It was nearly midnight (Pacific Time) when my brother called me. I knew it had to be important because it was almost three in the morning his time, so I answered quickly. We chatted for a bit before he revealed his reasons behind this late night call. “I’ve been thinking about this, Sarah, and I think I am going to propose to Caitlin at Electric Forest.” I have never sat up in bed and felt adrenaline pumping through me as fast as that moment. My jaw dropped open and I squealed with delight. You know when everyone assumes two people will be together and eventually get married? It does not compare to the actual act of setting that in motion. Sam and Caitlin are too good together and everyone around them can attest to that statement. In the two years they have been together, they have been through more ups and downs than couples who have been together for ten years.


She’s one of the few of Sam’s girlfriends I ever approved of. Being Sam’s only sibling and a sister at that, I was always judgmental of who he brought home to meet the family. Most of the girls would steer clear of the family if they ever came over and never talked to me. As I remember, Caitlin came to the house and she talked to me right away. I had a very low bar of expectations from Sam’s significant others.. just acknowledge my presence.. and Caitlin surpassed that. Later on, I found out she thought I hated her because I barely spoke back and went up to my room. On the contrary, I could not be more thrilled and excited for these two. On now I can finally have a sister!!


Sam and I discussed the options for the proposal at the forest. It was an ideal setting.. all of their friends would be there and Sam was persistent to include all of them in on the special occasion. I give my brother props for what he pulled off. Day one of the festival arrived and Sam claimed he had found a ring on the ground. He showed it to Caitlin and let her “try it on.” Later, claiming he had lost the ring, Caitlin was disappointed but carried on. Sam used that secretive sizing technique to relay to the custom ring maker what size her finger was. Clever boy, indeed. He returned  the next day in the morning to pick up the ring he had custom made. Usually girls grow up and dream of some fancy diamond but Sam knows Caitlin too well and had designed a completely original, one of a kind ring just for her.


I was blown away by the complexity and detail made in the ring. I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was and I became instantly envious. Returning to camp, friends hung around and slowly trickled into the festival. Everyone knew Sam had picked a spot in the forest to “meet up” at a certain time. Caitlin was well unaware that this was anything more than a meet up before a show. So as we made our way into the grounds, my camera at the ready, we all smiled with anticipation.

Now.. I will do my best to re-create the scene for you. Friends were lounging in the woods by the clock tower as a group of us approached. We all began to talk about what show was coming up and where we were going to watch it. I was standing near Sam and Caitlin, waiting for any sort of queue to get ready. I was just within ear shot when I hear them talking about a man with a giant mustache who just passed by. Sam said he wanted a mustache like that and Caitlin responded, “You know, I’d love you forever but not with a mustache like that.” Sam laughed and used this as his perfect opening to say, “You know, I was thinking about that…” I heard that trail off and knew this was it, I backed away and started to shoot rapid fire as my brother got down on one knee.

NOW.. time to start planning the wedding!!!